Thursday, April 24, 2008

Time for a Solemn Assembly

In the last General Conference, we were honored to raise our hands and stand to sustain our new Prophet and his counselors. President Thomas S. Monson, Henry B. Eyring, and Dieter F. Uchtdorf were sustained in an historic solemn assembly. How comforting it is to know that the work of the Lord goes on - and to see these great men take charge and lead us in these latter days. As President Monson said " As your hands were raised toward heaven, my heart was touched. I felt your loved and support, as well as your commitment to the Lord."

I watched with tears as my girls got to stand as members as young women. I thought of Elder McKell, who has been out in the field thirteen months, giving up his precious time working so hard for the Lord as a missionary. His sacrifice has been so sweet and humbling to us. I watched my sweetheart stand as a high priest. This conference was one I will not soon forget.

I loved Elder Lance B Wickman's talk on seeking forgiveness while extending charity to others. He stated we should not postpone matters of repentance until tomorrow. Today is the day to forgive others their trespasses, secure in the knowledge that the Lord will thus forgive ours... Perfection may elude us here, but we can be merciful. And in the end, repenting and forgiving are among God's chief requirements of us.

I am not perfect. In saying such - if I have offended anyone - I am truly sorry - and will strive harder every day to become more and more Christlike.

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