Saturday, April 12, 2008

Living the Gospel

We, collectively and individually, as a family, number one in our lives, love to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and Savior. Vinny and I are now studying and reading "Preach My Gospel" - Elder McKell has challenged to do so. We can't believe or would want to know where our lives would be without the atonement that our Elder Brother, even Jesus Christ made for us, so that we can repent and go on to fill the measure of our creation. We want to share the "good news" with everyone out there. We invite all to read your scriptures as a family, say individual and family prayers together, go to the Temple often, and attend your meetings. Keep close to your Father in Heaven, for He truly loves you and watches over you. We, as a family, have a divine testimony of this. Although we are not perfect, and bear many faults, we truly try to love one another, and try to bear each other's burdens, and try not to talk about other people. We LOVE our faith! We hope all who practice any faith to do the same.

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